Customer spotlight: Norby
November 4, 2021

Norby Fast Facts
- A fun education game that helps kids improve their literacy skills, powered by our speech tech for kids
- Based in Melbourne, Australia
- SoapBox client since November 2020
- Goal is to become the first education platform to crack personalized learning for kids.
About Norby
SoapBox’s education-focused customers are creating learning tools that help kids improve their reading, literacy, numeracy, and language learning skills, whether they’re learning in the home or the classroom. Norby is a great example.
Adrian Mullan, Co-Founder and CEO, describes Norby as a “fun education game that helps kids improve their reading skills using speech recognition.” Norby offers a personalized approach to reading, spelling, and vocabulary, and is made for kids who are looking for more interactive learning experiences (every kid today!), have learning difficulties (e.g., dyslexia or ADHD), or are learning English as a second language.
Why SoapBox
Before SoapBox, Norby trialed a range of off-the-shelf speech tech solutions but found they were just “blunt instruments” that would need to be “Frankensteined” together to work. None of these Big Tech solutions could deliver the accuracy, flexibility, and granular data Norby needed to make learning effective and fun for kids.
When Norby found SoapBox, it was a “game changer.” In particular, our engine’s ability to return granular phonemic data, and to deliver accuracy across the range of accents and ages of kids using the Norby platform.
Go Norby!
Norby will be launching a Kickstarter campaign on November 10 at 7 p.m. ET. Check out and do a trial of their learning games for kids then!
More on Norby at